Green Oak Work

Crown Oak Developments has grown from a carpentry-based company to a more diverse building company, but still embracing traditional techniques. Traditional Green Oak carpentry is a style of building that has not altered over many years, fundamentally still using traditional joints, pegging and setting out, the only changes are the tools to product still hand-crafted joints.

Crown Oak Developments have worked on many projects to product stunning effects from carports, porches, trusses and timer frames. We have also had to opportunity to work on listed oak frame buildings Carron Row Barn and River View Barn, new build incorporating old oak frames.


In today’s world our clients look for open space living with modern kitchens, large, glazed expenses and up to date finishes that are only ever enhanced by this stunning and beautiful hand-crafted technique.


We take pride in seeing your project from plans to completion. By choosing us you can rely on our swift and dependable services that are expertly personalised to meet your individual requirements and tastes.   

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